Have an ad free Mobile experience with these best Ad Blocker Android Apps. Using these simple steps, you can easily unblock subscribed YouTube channels, specific YouTube channels or all of YouTube from AdBlock.ĥ Best Ad Blocker Apps on Android In. Next, move the slider next to Page to Exclude all the subscribed channels from AdBlock.Now, select and click on Don’t run on pages on this site.

Sign in to YouTube account and click on Subscriptions option in the left pane.To whitelist subscribed YouTube channels, follow the steps below: Steps to whitelist all subscribed YouTube channels Here, select and click on Don’t run on pages on this site.Steps to allow ads on certain YouTube channels Here, select Don’t run on pages on this domain. To allow ads on YouTube when using AdBlock click AdBlock icon. Also, the YouTube channel whitelisting doesn’t work with Safari Content Blocking. Note: Sometimes depending on the channel settings you may not be able to skip ads on a whitelisted channel. You can also choose to permit ads on channels you wish to support. In just two clicks you can whitelist all of YouTube. Steps to whitelist the current YouTube channel in AdBlock Note: In other browsers, the option will read as: Don’t run on pages on this domain. Here, select and click on Don’t run on pages on this site (Google Chrome.).Click AdBlock icon present in your browser.Steps to whitelist a domain or website in AdBlock